
Dylan Hampton
Dylan Hampton is currently a full-time PhD student with whom I co-supervise with Dr Eirini Anthi. His research interests revolve around LLMs, their security, and how they are trusted within high risk environments.
Jake Samuels
Jake Samuels is currently a full-time PhD student with whom I co-supervise with Dr Eirini Anthi. His research interests revolve around LLMs and how they can used within a social engineering digital twin.
Itsaso Forbes
Itsaso Forbes was a Cardiff Univeristy summer research intern who spent 6 weeks under my supervision exploring the propogation of hate speech on social networks.
Hamza Khan
Hamza Khan is a Research Assistant working on a Discribe funded project. He is working under my supervison focusing on the development of an ontology based approach towards mapping the Digital Security by Design (DSbD).
Tristram Ridley-Jones
Tristram Ridley-Jones is currently a part-time PhD student with whom I co-supervise with Dr Eirini Anthi. His research interests revolve around designing effective Security Operation Centres (SOCs) in organisations.
Swardiantara Silalahi
Swardiantara Silalahi was a visiting PhD student from Sepuluh Nopember Institute of Technology (ITS), Indonesia. He spent 6 months under my co-supervision with Dr Eirini Anthi, where the focus of his work was on drone forensics. Whilst at Cardiff, we published a paper Severity-oriented Multiclass Drone Flight Logs Anomaly Detection in IEEE Access.
Michael Drury
Michael Drury was a Cardiff Univeristy summer research intern who spent 6 weeks under my supervision working on investigating the problem of threat intelligent report matching.
Rhydian Brown
Rhydian Brown was a Cardiff Univeristy summer research intern who spent 6 weeks under my co-supervision with Dr Eirini Anthi working on automotive cyber security.
Artem Gavryushenko
Artem Gavryushenko was a Cardiff Univeristy summer research intern who spent 6 weeks under my co-supervision with Dr Eirini Anthi exploring how gamification can be effectively employed to stimulate incentives and inspire a significant shift in the cybersecurity behaviors of employees.
Bilal Brar
Bilal Brar was a Research Assistant on a National Highways funded project who spent 12 months under my co-supervision with Dr Eirini Anthi exploring AI trustworthiness in Intelligent Transport Systems. Prior to this post, Bilal worked under my supervision on a short-term project investigating the extraction of the context, action, and purposes of adversaries from text.
Hamza Afzal
Hamza Afzal was a Research Assistant on a National Highways funded project who spent 12 months under my co-supervision with Dr Eirini Anthi exploring AI trustworthiness in Intelligent Transport Systems.
Joydip Bhowmick
Joydip Bhowmick was a Research Assistant on a National Highways funded project who spent 12 months under my co-supervision with Dr Eirini Anthi exploring AI trustworthiness in Intelligent Transport Systems.
Kabir Gujral
Kabir Gujral was a Research Assistant on a National Highways funded project who spent 12 months under my co-supervision with Dr Eirini Anthi exploring AI trustworthiness in Intelligent Transport Systems.
Peter Jones
Peter Jones is currently a part-time PhD student with whom I co-supervise with Dr Eirini Anthi. His research interests revolve around the security of access control systems.