
Zain Hankin
Zain Hankin is currently a full-time PhD student with whom I co-supervise with Dr Eirini Anthi and Dr Vijay Kumar. His research interests revolve around Industrial Control Systems, their security, and how machine learning can safeguard them.
Dylan Hampton
Dylan Hampton is currently a full-time PhD student with whom I co-supervise with Dr Eirini Anthi. His research interests revolve around LLMs, their security, and how they are trusted within high risk environments.
Jake Samuels
Jake Samuels is currently a full-time PhD student with whom I co-supervise with Dr Eirini Anthi. His research interests revolve around LLMs and how they can used within a social engineering digital twin.
Itsaso Forbes
Itsaso Forbes was a Cardiff Univeristy summer research intern who spent 6 weeks under my supervision exploring the propogation of hate speech on social networks.
Hamza Khan
Hamza Khan is a Research Assistant working on a Discribe funded project. He is working under my supervison focusing on the development of an ontology based approach towards mapping the Digital Security by Design (DSbD).
Tristram Ridley-Jones
Tristram Ridley-Jones is currently a part-time PhD student with whom I co-supervise with Dr Eirini Anthi. His research interests revolve around designing effective Security Operation Centres (SOCs) in organisations.
Swardiantara Silalahi
Swardiantara Silalahi was a visiting PhD student from Sepuluh Nopember Institute of Technology (ITS), Indonesia. He spent 6 months under my co-supervision with Dr Eirini Anthi, where the focus of his work was on drone forensics. Whilst at Cardiff, we published a paper Severity-oriented Multiclass Drone Flight Logs Anomaly Detection in IEEE Access.
Michael Drury
Michael Drury was a Cardiff Univeristy summer research intern who spent 6 weeks under my supervision working on investigating the problem of threat intelligent report matching.
Rhydian Brown
Rhydian Brown was a Cardiff Univeristy summer research intern who spent 6 weeks under my co-supervision with Dr Eirini Anthi working on automotive cyber security.
Artem Gavryushenko
Artem Gavryushenko was a Cardiff Univeristy summer research intern who spent 6 weeks under my co-supervision with Dr Eirini Anthi exploring how gamification can be effectively employed to stimulate incentives and inspire a significant shift in the cybersecurity behaviors of employees.
Bilal Brar
Bilal Brar was a Research Assistant on a National Highways funded project who spent 12 months under my co-supervision with Dr Eirini Anthi exploring AI trustworthiness in Intelligent Transport Systems. Prior to this post, Bilal worked under my supervision on a short-term project investigating the extraction of the context, action, and purposes of adversaries from text.
Hamza Afzal
Hamza Afzal was a Research Assistant on a National Highways funded project who spent 12 months under my co-supervision with Dr Eirini Anthi exploring AI trustworthiness in Intelligent Transport Systems.
Joydip Bhowmick
Joydip Bhowmick was a Research Assistant on a National Highways funded project who spent 12 months under my co-supervision with Dr Eirini Anthi exploring AI trustworthiness in Intelligent Transport Systems.
Kabir Gujral
Kabir Gujral was a Research Assistant on a National Highways funded project who spent 12 months under my co-supervision with Dr Eirini Anthi exploring AI trustworthiness in Intelligent Transport Systems.
Peter Jones
Peter Jones is currently a part-time PhD student with whom I co-supervise with Dr Eirini Anthi. His research interests revolve around the security of access control systems.