
Cardiff University
Module Leader
I am currently the leader of the Software Development Skills 1 (CM6113) module at Cardiff University’s School of Computer Science & Informatics. This module introduces basic skills, knowledge and understanding of professional practice and ethics in software development.
Cardiff University
Module Leader
I am currently the leader of the Topics, Research and Skills in Computing (CMT221) module at Cardiff University’s School of Computer Science & Informatics. The module aims to prepare students for their dissertation project by developing comprehensive understanding of approaches, methods, tools and techniques necessary for efficient and effective research in Computer Science and related areas.
Cardiff University
Module Leader
Module leader of the Information Modelling and Database Systems (CMT207) module at Cardiff University’s School of Computer Science & Informatics. The module covered an introduction to databases, including information, data and knowledge, database systems, SQL, and conceptual, logical, and physical database design.